Ancient American Issue #18

    The picture above is a Michigan tablet that depicts the TEN COMMANDMENTS.  The figure in the center seems to represent the Father in heaven.   The symbol   means son of the left hand, the evil one, who was once a covering cherub (Ezek. 28:14).  The other is son of the right-hand (YAHUSHUA the Messiah, the holy One of Israel), also identified with the mystic symbol  .  The drawing reminds me of the Ark of the Covenant scenario with with the two cherubim on each side.   

    Notice for each commandment there are groups of dots at (like counting dots on dominoes) at the outer edge, these are numbering from 1 to 10, obviously indicating the  TEN COMMANDMENTS.   The letters contained in these Ten Commandments are similar to Egyptian style hieroglyphics.

    The letters just left of the central figure are Cuneiform letters called the Mystic Symbol and are seen on most of the drawings of the Michigan tablets.   These letters, , according to David Deal an ancient American researcher, are YHW a shortened version of the tetragrammaton YHWH.  In the old world, the form YHW was used in Elephantine Egypt. (See  The New 20th--Century Encyclopedia [2nd Ed.] of Religious Knowledge p. 886)  A view of it is brought to light in Biblical Archaeology Review May/June 1995 p. 67.  The Catholic scholars interpret this Mystic symbol as  IHS, because many of picture drawings of the Michigan tablets  show the symbol associated with the Messiah, in crucifixion and resurrection scenes etc. I have also seen the Saviour's name written as IHU in John Wycliffe's Bible. I wondered if these letters since they are written in Cuneiform are to be read or understood as  "Yahu", which according to Albright and others is the most ancient form of the sacred name as  brought out from Assyrian Cuneiform research.  YHW or YHU are indicated by the same letters in Hebrew. 

    James Adair noted amongst the Choctaw and Florida Indians a form of the sacred name which was  Yo He Wah.  Years ago attending a Feast of Tabernacles down in Kerrville Texas where we had a formal reading of the book of Deuteronomy, where persons would take turns reading from the Scriptures.  When the readers came to capital LORD (which indicates in the King James Version where the tetragrammaton originally appeared in the Hebrew Scriptures), some readers would say Yahweh, while others would say Yahuwah, but when one sister came to it, she was uncertain of the exact pronunciation, so she would simply say the four letters  "Yod He Vav He".  Later on she began using  "Yod He Waw He".  To me it sounded much like what James Adair heard, possibly through time the three letters  Yod He Waw turned into  Yo He Wah.  Similar to the three letters of the Michigan tablets.

    The Michigan tablets were found in 27 counties, and  are obviously authentic as Daniel Soper put so well,  "I have personal knowledge of more than 3,000 articles that have been found, and if they are and were buried to be found, whoever buried them has been a very busy person, because they have been found throughout the state by hundreds of different people." Humanity should have learned a lesson long ago, when the common people were waiting for their religious leaders to announce YAHUSHUA to be the Messiah. We shall make the same mistake if we are going to wait for the approved academia to pronounce all these artifacts and others genuine, or tell us what truth is. You have a mind! So you will have to use it and weigh the evidence yourself.